
Let’s Talk France is a tribute to France and the French culture, one of the richest and most vibrant in the world.

Let’s Talk France tells the story of France through a compilation of articles on subjects as diverse as history, art, gastronomy, sport, cinema, music, the French language itself , and many others.

The idea is to offer the reader wishing to better know France and its language, a representative sample of French culture.

I hope this menu will be to your liking.

In fact, feel free to comment, make suggestions and ask questions. Discussion enriches us all and, as the saying goes, the more the merrier...

About me, very briefly. Franco-American, I was born and raised in France where I studied medicine, a discipline I practiced for 25 years.

I have lived for nearly 20 years in the United States, a country very dear to my heart, where my children grew up. However, they have never forgotten their French roots which they cherish just as much as I do.

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A journey through France and its culture: history, music, cinema, gastronomy, sport, language etc. From a French native living in the US.


Bicultural French-American, born and raised in France, currently living in Florida. Physician by trade. Music lover (50s to 90s).